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November 15, 2011

NCAM Announces "Media Access Mobile"

NCAM has developed an impressive mobile system to enhance the experience for visitors to cultural institutions who are blind, deaf, hard-of-hearing or who speak languages other than English. The innovative technology from NCAM, dubbed "Media Access Mobile," provides synchronized text and/or audio description in any combination of languages, all provided simultaneously, over a WiFi network and displayed on commercially available handheld devices (which can be provided to visitors on-site). Watch MAM in action in our new brief video. Contact us at to learn more.

Media Access Mobile was installed for the first time at IBM’s THINK Exhibit (Centennial Celebration) at NY’s Lincoln Center from 9/23/11-10/23/11. The exhibit, which included 40 seven-foot screens projecting a kaleidoscope of images and sound accompanied by narration, combined three unique experiences to engage visitors in a conversation about how humankind can improve the way we live and work. NCAM's Media Access Mobile enabled visitors to use hand-held devices to read captions in English and subtitles in seven other languages, making the experience accessible not only to people who are deaf or hard of hearing but also to non-English-speaking visitors.