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Accessible Digital Media Guidelines

We are indebted to the members of our advisory board who provided valuable input throughout the project. They are:

James Alexander, Director of E-books, Adobe Systems Incorporated

Margaret Bausch, Research Assistant Professor; Project Director, National Assistive Technology Research Institute; President, Technology and Media Division of CEC, University of Kentucky

Robert Brink, Program Manager for Accessibility, eMerging Technologies Division, Microsoft Corporation

Norman Coombs, CEO, Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI)

Steve Dreisler, Executive Director, American Association of Publishers, Inc., School Division

William M. Jolley, Secretary General, DAISY Consortium

Bob Regan, Accessibility Product Manager, Macromedia, Inc.

Mary Anne Siller, National Program Associate in Education, Textbooks and Instructional Materials Solutions Forum, American Foundation for the Blind

Jonathan Simeone, President, National Alliance of Blind Students

Claude Stout, Executive Director, Telecommunications for the Deaf, Inc.

Barbara J. Wagreich, software engineer

We would also like to thank the following people for their assistance and advice:

Nick Bogaty, Executive Director, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF)

Garth Conboy, President, eBook Technologies, Inc.

Mark Hakkinen, University of Jyvskyl, Finland; Independent Consultant, Lawrenceville, NJ

Jon Noring, OpenReader Consortium

Finally, NCAM would like to thank the many dozens of people who volunteered to test and comment upon the sample e-books and DTBs created for the Beyond the Text project.